Monday 9 December 2013

FunnelKit Reviews - Lying About 84% Converting Page?

FunnelKit Review - Same Like Other Craps Wordpress Plugin?

Did you know that Emilis Strimaitis, a young internet marketer had just launch his new product called FunnelKit? I don't know what is this FunnelKit until I read an email that was sent to me by Emilis Strimaitis. Here is the email I show you guys.

funnelkit review

After I received the email, I'm wondering what is this wordpress plugin that can get 12,000 like only on the prelaunch session. So, without spending more times, I bought the FunnelKit wordpress plugin. Yep! I bought it!

Before we move forward to the review,here I show you a little bit information about FunnelKit.

FunnelKit Overview

  • Creator : Emilis Strimaitis also know as Emka
  • Product Name : FunnelKit
  • Launch Day : 13:00 EST on 11th December 2013
  • Price : $17-$27
  • Website :

FunnelKit Review

Building a high converting sales page or squeeze page is a very common problem to many internet marketers. I know some of them had tried many version of their squeeze pages only to know which one convert better. All of this was done because of only one reason. To get subscribers. The only one way to make money online fast is with email marketing. So, if you had a really high converting squeeze page to capture your leads, you can easily get more money.

So, how you can create a high converting sales page or squeeze page? That's the reason why Emilis Strimaitis also know as Emka develop FunnelKit plugin. He know much about the problem face by many internet marketers today. FunnelKit is built to easier you to create a high converting sales pages without getting any experience on HTML, CSS or PHP. FunnelKit is very easy to use and I had tried it.

funnelkit review

When I use this plugin, I can easily create a high converting squeeze page in just about 4 minutes. There is 6 easy step to create a new squeeze page. You know what, usually I hire a web designer to built my squeeze page and it cost money. I also don't know whether the squeeze page created by the web designer will be high converting or not. So, with FunnelKit wordpress plugin, the control is my hand. I can easily manage how the squeeze page will convert. I also can make experiments on which page that convert better. This is very important to make sure I had fresh subscribers everyday.

FunnelKit And Solo Ads

Whether you know what solo ads is or not, solo ads is the best way you can get fresh subscribers all day long. With solo ads, you can easily get many fresh subscribers every day. So,what FunnelKit involve with solo ads? What I'm going to show you is with FunnelKit, you can get more subscribers when you buy a solo ad. Imagine you buy a solo ad with 100 clicks and sometimes, you only get about half of the clicks you ordered, right? So, you know that your page convert about 50%. This is what I'm going to show you. I bought about 200 clicks from a solo seller, and you know how much subscribers I get? Don't be shock because I get about 173 new subscribers that rolling in to my list using FunnelKit only.

FunnelKit Features

Simple and professional admin panel

FunnelKit admin panel was extremely easy to use. It is clean and look very professional. You doesn't have to worry if you doesn't have much experience in coding because FunnelKit is created for the newbie. The system is just point and click and you have done!

funnelkit review

Youtube Video Background

Have you ever head about making a Youtube video as your squeeze page background? With FunnelKit, you can easily paste any Youtube video URL to make it your squeeze page background. I know this sound weird but it is proofed can make your page converts better!

funnelkit review

FunnelKit Pros And Cons

FunnelKit Pros

  • FunnelKit is extremely easy to use. Their interface is so perfect for newbie and those who doesn't have any experience on some complicated software.
  • FunnelKit give you access to build highly converting lead capture pages that work very perfect. I easily can get 173 new subscribers after built my new squeeze page using this plugin
  •  FunnelKit doesn't involve any coding part to build the pages you need. You have to just drag and drop their element and done. If you can use Blogger, you also can use FunnelKit!
  • When using FunnelKit, you doesn't have to learn anything or watch the video tutorial first. The plugin work easily for newbie.
  • FunnelKit allow you to create lead capture pages, sales pages, registration pages and many more. You just have to choose what you want!
  • FunnelKit allow you to make Youtube video as your page background! Sound weird,right? But it may increase your conversion too!
  • FunnelKit is integrated with GEOptin Wordpress plugin. This will allow your visitor to see their location on your pages automatically.

FunnelKit Cons

  • FunnelKit is not suitable for those who never want to take action.
  • FunnelKit is only build a sales pages that have high conversion only. Not send traffic to your high conversion page.

FunnelKit Bonus

funnelkit bonus
funnelkit bonus
When you buy FunnelKit in this site, I will give you this totally awesome bonus for FREE!

FunnelKit Walkthrough

Watch FunnelKit walkthrough about how easily you can create a high converting squeeze page using FunnelKit wordpress plugin.

FunnelKit Conclusion

FunnelKit is a very time consuming plugin I ever had. This wordpress plugin is totally awesome and I love to use it to capture new leads. I'm extremely recommend you to buy this plugin because it had helped me a lot. Save your time and money now by buying FunnelKit wordpress plugin now!

funnelkit review